Get ready to prove your identity before voting

The Elections Act requires you to show photo ID when voting in some elections. In 2024 these include:

Local elections in parts of England 2nd May

Police & Crime Commissioner elections in England & Wales 2nd May

Mayoral elections in London and other English regions 2nd May

Parliamentary by-elections and the UK General Election

Showing photo ID before voting at a polling station
# No ID, No Vote!

The way we vote has changed

It's crucial that all eligible voters in the UK aren't caught out by the Voter ID law and are aware about the requirement and the way it may affect them.

No ID, No Vote!

We aim to raise awareness about the requirement to show a valid photo ID before voting in most UK elections including the General Election.

Valid photo IDs

Unsure which forms of photo ID can be used to participate in UK elections? Check the full list of acceptable Voter IDs.

Get a free Voter ID

Have you discovered you don't have ID accepted for voting? Ensure your voice is heard by applying for a valid Voter ID today!

Voting changes

The introduction of Voter ID as a requirement has changed the rules and the way the voting process operates for the public.
# Promoting Awareness

Let's ensure every voice is heard

The Electoral Commission's Report on the May 2023 local elections in England found that 3% of non-voters did not have accepted ID, required to vote. The same report also noted that 0.25% of voters (approximately 14,000 people) were turned away due to a lack of Voter ID.

Our goal is to make all UK voters aware of the Voter ID requirements introduced in 2022, so they can cast their vote.

The 'No ID, No Vote!' campaign focuses on:

publicising the need for photo ID before voting
informing about proving identity at polling stations
guiding on how to obtain a Voter ID free of charge
About us

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# Helping those in need

Supporting people to meet the Voter ID requirement

Some individuals may face barriers created by the new requirement and will require support to obtain a valid ID. Organisations working directly with voters, including local authorities and charities, can help voters make sure they have acceptable photo ID ahead of any election.

Does your organisation wish to offer free Voter IDs?

If your organisation is interested in offering free photo IDs to those in need, we would love to hear from you. Reach out to us for collaboration, information or to explore how you can contribute to ensuring everyone has access to a valid ID for elections.

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